Our problems truly are opportunities to succeed... and to be thankful...

It is Saturday, so I have more of "me" time than I have on any other day during the week. Most of my me time is spent in pursuit of my hobbies, one of which is this website. Of course, many months into its development, there have been innumerable little "problems" that have crept up.
Today I spent a few hours handling some styling just to get the search function on the blog to work.
While there is a lot of support through our content management system, there are still many little things that have to be very precise in order to drive correct function. I was faced with problem after problem and question after question for why things weren't working, or looking, exactly as I'd hoped.
But by the end of 2 hours, I had made tremendous progress. I can't help but feel today like this experience was just a microcosm of what I face in all aspects of my life.
Today I am thankful for the problems that I am challenged with solving. Because as time passes, I continue to become better and better at solving problems - not just for me, but for others of God's children.