Sometimes, you find yourself in a place you never expected to be...

I'm in Edmonton, Canada this morning – right at the start of winter!
As I wake up today, I see the forecast calls for a high temperature of -6 degrees with a low of -17 degrees. I’ll soon feel these temperatures on my walk to the office. It’s a bitter thought to know that I’ll be walking at least a mile through downtown Edmonton during a period in which I’m more likely to encounter the lower figures of this range than the higher ones. I can imagine those small gusts of wind that suck all the air out of my lungs, the constantly dripping nose throughout the walk and the slowly surging pain that increments while making my way to the office.
But it does me no good to dwell on these aspects of this coming day.
These events will occur regardless of how much time I permit my mind to consider them even while not in occurrence! I only extend their impact by thinking about them now. Instead, I recall the events surrounding them. There are a few that I am thankful for, and these make me happy.
1. Warm Clothing
The locals here in Canada have provided advice on which coats to wear, what kind of gloves to put on my hands, boots to wear, and (absolutely key) underwear to use. Thank God for this equipment and the useful tactical advice from good people. Without these amazing inventions and people, I would not even be able to survive in this environment. But with them, I have a fighting chance!2. Heating
No matter how cold I get during the work day while out of the office or during the return walk to the hotel from the office, I can always rely on a nice blast of heat right to greet me as I pass through the sliding doors of the hotel. That, and my warm hotel room with heavily blanketed bed keep me cozy and warm all through the night – allowing me to get a good night’s sleep. Thank you, God, for our technology that keeps me warm in spite of a brutally cold environment!3. Breakfast Buffet
I am thankful for hot breakfast. Each day, I get to feed from a bounty of bagels, eggs, hash browns, yogurt, fresh fruit, and cereal. Through this “buffet”, I am presented with much more “daily bread” than I could ever consume. What greater reminder could I have to start each day that God honors his promises to provide for me?Your Turn
What’s your daily reminder of God’s promise to provide for your needs? Leave it in the comments below and see if any others have it in common...