Balancing light and darkness as we pursue the light can feel like a constant up-hill journey...

Within this short journey, I have been excited about finally finding some of the wisdom I need through "renewing my mind".
This phrase has become my most important focus. With my eyes now opened, I can see the power of my thoughts in driving my own (not ideal) reality - the shadow - against my ability to change that reality with a renewed mind - the light. I am experiencing the light and darkness.
As with so many steps we take in our faith, however, I now find myself so easily, and frustratingly, covered by the shadow. The depths of distraction from our priority focus of relationship with God can be staggering!
These distractions can often overwhelm us like a shadow creeping into our light without conscious effort, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. My journey has made me more aware of the bigger picture for all Christians, as well.
I sense there are many of us who do not truly "get" Ephesians 1, which highlights the depth of the gift of our calling because of how special we are to God, the Creator of everything! My focus in renewing my mind will be on this singular fact until I can "feel" this... because I understand how transformative to my attitudes and behaviors this will be! I pray the same for Christians everywhere. God bless...