We can easily miss our amazing God as we become so distracted with our daily "to-do's" and current situations; His evidence surrounds us, we only need to look...

In the midst of a deepening bluish and purplish skyline, our God painted some of those clouds with the bright oranges, yellows, and pinks you see here.
I am still in awe when I see this particular creation by our Creator.
What is even more interesting to me is how I got the opportunity to take this picture. It was no routine flight that put me in the sky at this time to see such glory. My 3:30 flight from Newark airport to Tampa should have had me on the ground long before the conditions came together to create this particular skyline.
Specifically, I was delayed boarding the gate, by runway traffic, for a gas re-fill, by runway traffic again, and by weather in a way that got us off the ground 3.5 hours late.
Needless to say, my "situation" had my blood boiling, and tested my patience and anger significantly. I realized I can be thankful right now for the beauty God will reveal to me once He is ready... and I am ready...