I am grateful for so many things just taking a moment to look around the home office...

1. Striking Wall Art
Most office space is decorated with some kind of wall hanging. Mine has a hand-sculptured tree, which reminds me of the "tree of life" analogy discussed in the Bible about God's Word. This particular tree, however, was a gift from my even more lovely wife - a gift obviously sent from heaven through which this wall art and much more have been given to me.
2. Photographs from Travels
I'm no jet-setter, but I have a few photos and some photos which have been blown-up to fit on the walls. These images remind me of the wonderful places to which God's allowed me to experience. More importantly, viewing them brings me memories about the great people with which I was fortunate enough to share those experiences.
3. Designer Desk Lamp
I can't help but be impressed with those people who have an artistic mind. Thank you God for your gifts through the visions you inspire in them. Not only does this artisan looking desk lamp provide some style, but it provides a warm glow that gives my entire workspace a comfortable feel.
4. Jewish Calendar
Recently, I received a free calendar in the mail. Since I do not refer to printed calendars often, my first instinct was to toss it into the trash with other junk mail. This calendar, however, was remarkable. It presents both the Jewish calendar AND the Gregorian Calendar to which we are all accustomed. I decided to hang it up, and ever since, it serves to remind me of 2 things for which I am thankful. First, I am thankful for our Lord, who was sent to the world through Jewish lineage. Second, I am thankful to the Jewish people for preserving the Word so faithfully that it can be shared in its original form even today.
5. An Open Window
It's the first day of fall in the deep south. Incredibly, it is a cool, low-humidity day outside! Thank you, God, for this reminder of the continually changing seasons and days we should enjoy to their fullest!