Breaking bread - a few hours in the kitchen with the wife baking and cooking can raise many items for which to be thankful...

1. Ability to read
My wife spotted an interesting recipe in a magazine last week. The recipe carefully outlined how to produce a tart. There was a beautiful photo of the resulting tart prominently placed within the magazine. Without an ability to interpret the list of ingredients and the carefully ordered steps to follow, there isn't a chance I'd have been able to reproduce what I saw. Thank you God for my upbringing, my schooling, and my sight, which all enabled me to read the recipe.2. Ability to think and follow directions
Just reading through the text describing a recipe won't result in desert. Thank God for the ability to visualize the steps being completed in advance of actual execution of those same steps. The imagination is a awesomely powerful ability, and without it, we'd never be able to properly prepare ourselves to complete a process successfully. Thank you God for thought and visualization via imagination - these allow me to bring to reality what comes from my mind.3. Faith
My wife was so excited about the tart she'd seen in a magazine. Since she knew I liked baking, I was the perfect candidate to bake it for her enjoyment. I had never made a tart before, but my last attempt at a French bakery good - an eclair, resulted in a massive headache, runny fondant, and misshapen, crunchy, and very bland baked bread loaves. I won't lie by stating I had much confidence when agreeing to attempt to make the tart. My wife's excitement about this dessert and her unwavering faith in my ability to prepare it propelled me forward. Thank you God for her faith in me and its reminder to me about how faith offers a powerful means to move us into action!4. Time alone is where this family began
We only spent a few hours in the kitchen together yesterday - my wife and I. Those hours echoed of our early times and dates together, though. Years ago, while initially dating, we would often spend cooking together in order to share intimate time, meals, and conversation together. Thank you God for reminding me how my wife and I were brought closer together through those times, without which we would not have evolved to these current times of growing and building our family.I hope reading through a few of the items of which I was reminded will help you identify some overlap. Think about those things right now and feel the boost of positive energy that washes over you via your own gratefulness. Pass along your items via the comments below to help cement the gratitude in your mind and alter your outlook.