Luke 9:26 - "Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when He comes in His glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels"

In a group of 15 industry colleagues I had met minutes before, we were all asked to draw our own flag. This flag was to be representative of who we are.
In my walk with Christ, I immediately knew I had to include the cross on my flag. I certainly know intellectually that there is an eternal perspective that shrinks my entire career to a level of significance minimal in the light of the glory of heavenly treasures for those who claim Him as their Savior.
However, in the same moment, it was also obvious that I immediately felt a need to hide this Christian aspect of my life out of shame and concern over what others would think - especially in this work environment.
But then I remembered Jesus' words in Luke 9:26... and I knew what the Lord wanted me to do.
With the prompting and power of the Holy Spirit, in the moment, I made a choice to honor His calling in my life in a way that I hope glorified Him while recognizing the grace He shed on me with the gift of his calling.
How my decision impacts my career remains to be seen. But this is exactly what God talks about when he refers to our being faced with decisions to either please Him... or man.
And ultimately, I do not want to find that Jesus is ashamed of me in front of the Father because of my poor choices on earth.
Apply This:
1. Review these words from Jesus several times before you leave your house for the day
2. Recognize little moments throughout the day that you have a choice to either please God or man (e.g., prayer before lunch in front of colleagues, jumping in on gossip, etc.)
3. For power to choose His pleasure - picture the moment you will face Jesus and will have to give an account