Psalms 126:3 - "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy"

This verse is also a wonderful verse with which to worship God! In praising Him for His gifts, we are recognizing His sovereignty and will in our lives.
If you are like most of us, it is easy to overlook the gifts from God that richly surround us. These gifts range from the comforts of our home to our intelligence to our physical health. The danger in overlooking these aspects of our lives as gifts is a life of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and depression.
By memorizing and routinely reciting this verse, you will have a powerful tool to transform your life into one of happiness. When you wake up with true appreciation for your home and your car, breakfast to eat, a family to love, and a job to go to, your spirit is lifted. Your rightfully grateful perspective empowers you to spread His Kingdom throughout the day. In addition, in recognizing God as your source for all gifts and abilities, you place Him on the throne over your life.
There is a subtle caveat to this verse that is important to remember. Specifically, God's gifts to us should never be the ONLY reason for our joy. Just as a parent to his or her own children, God our Father does not want to be loved only for what He does for us. We want to remember to love Him for His majesty and righteousness, as well.
In this Psalm, you can almost feel the excitement in the words of the writer. I pray that you can experience this kind of joy for the many gifts in your life as you thank God for giving them!
Of note, we here at believe gratitude is so critical to transformed Christian lives, we have a whole blog on the topic at The Daily Bread. Please share your experience in praising God as the source for all you have in the comments below...