Galatians 6:2 - "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ"

Specifically, I think most of us would agree that it is difficult to admit we need help... that we actually don't have everything under control... that we need others to achieve goals and dreams we have set for ourselves.
In contrast, most of us live in a society that celebrates individual accomplishment and preaches that our value comes greatly in part from what we do on our own.
In the midst of this indoctrination, we find ourselves closed to the possibility of others helping us. We simply don't even give people the chance to carry our burdens!
What a tragedy... for in our pride, we not only lose the opportunity to gather strength and truly needed help from others, but we also prevent the opportunity for others to "fulfill the law of Christ".
This verse reminds us and encourages us to push past the walls so dominant in our society to this kind of insistence to bearing each others' burdens.
Personally, I have been blessed with a particular friendship over the past few years in which we have developed this mutual "carrying" of each other's burdens. There is a richness of our relationship that not only provides daily and weekly encouragement, but also the kind of accountability to growing and living in Christian principles that we all need to ensure success.
In the meantime, I continue to search for more opportunities to bear the burdens of others, and it is not easy! There are some things that can be done as an individual (e.g., empathetic prayer). However, a much greater depth of service to each other (and to God) comes from MUTUAL sharing of burdens.
Before I leave you, I want to share what carrying others' burdens can look like. You will find your own ways as long as you are continually reminding yourself of this principle. But in the meantime, here are a few suggestions:
Praying for a family (of strangers) of whom I have become aware that has lost their young child to cancer. Finding ways to physically help another family by watching their kids while their husband and wife seek marriage counseling. Delivering dinner to a family that is particularly busy while they have a family member in the hospital.
Bearing each others' burdens is truly a gift as it provides us the opportunity to "fulfill the law of Christ". I encourage you to allow others to bear your burdens even as you push to carry theirs.
If you have had a difficult time having your burdens carried by others, or carrying the burdens of others, please share your experiences with the community in the comments section below.