Hebrews 12:14 - "...without holiness no one will see the Lord"

Have you ever been around the presence of people that seem thousands of times more excited about their faith than you?
Well, you are certainly not alone.
Personally, I have been striving for a deeper, and more meaningful relationship with the Lord for a while. With my greatest logic, I just know that following His righteous ways becomes very easy when I feel His presence close to me.
Sure, I have moments of feeling close to Him, but they are quite rare. And that begs the question - Why?
I suspect a big reason is that these moments are not entirely under my control. Rather, the Lord Himself has a significant role.
However, this verse from the book of Hebrews struck me this week. In my constant pursuit of being close to the Lord, this verse may be pointing out exactly what I need to focus more on in my own life - being more holy.
To be honest, rarely do I consider myself holy. Perhaps this is why I rarely see the Lord. My conviction this week is to pursue HOLINESS in my daily life. I suspect that closeness with the Lord will follow closely.
Please share your own successes and struggles in feeling close to the Lord in the comments section below...