2 Corinthians 9:6 - "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously"
Most of us can nod our heads in agreement with the wisdom it professes.
But are we actually living with this being a central tenant to our days?
If you are anything like me, the answer is no. And in that answer, it can be easy to become anxious about the future.
Sure, there is some logic to the old adage of investing our hard work for an abundant crop. In fact, the American ideal seems to be founded at least in part upon the value of hard work.
Our hard work investing in our education is designed to provide us with ample opportunities for future employment - and thus, income to support the lifestyle we would choose.
However, there is another facet to this Bible verse that is likely much more critical to our TRUE health, and our spiritual growth.
That facet has to do with our relationships.
The utmost relationship is with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. Are we investing as much time in that relationship as we are with our work?
Beyond our vertical relationship with God, our horizontal relationships with others in the world is critical.
How much investment are we really putting in to our relationship with our wife of X years, our children, and others in the community? If we sow sparingly in these relationships, how can we expect an abundant crop?
I encourage you to keep this memory verse from 2 Corinthians close to your heart so that it may guide you in putting your time where it REALLY matters, even in the face of unceasing distraction.