1 Corinthians 13:1 - "If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but I do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal"

That's because it is a part of most wedding ceremonies - perhaps even your own!
It has gained popularity for good reason.
First, it is nothing short of brilliant poetry. Just read through 1 Corinthians 13 and you'll see what I mean.
Second, this book in the Bible gives us a concrete picture of an important abstract concept - LOVE.
Paul, the author of 1st Corinthians, crystallizes what love looks like. As such, he helps us easily recognize love when it is on display... and when it is not.
For those of us who sometimes have difficulty expressing love, this chapter in the Bible provides a practical blueprint.
Here, we cover the opening verse which focuses on our speech.
Specifically, Paul points out that everything that comes out of our mouths should be threaded with love. Obviously, words spoken in harsh tone are unloving. But Paul points out that even sweetly spoke words (i.e., like that of angels) that are devoid of love have a similar result. In the absence of love behind all of our speech, we deliver ear-numbing noise like that of a cymbal crash.
This is a sobering reality. Especially when we consider how many of us began our committed married lives professing this verse in our wedding ceremonies. How often do we find ourselves NOT speaking with love to our own spouses?
Beyond married relationships or those with significant others, we speak to many other people throughout each day - parents, children, brothers, sisters, friends, and strangers.
What does it look like to stay within the boundaries of speaking with love to everyone?
Quite simply, it takes the heart of God towards other people. When our hearts overflow with God's love for people - no matter how broken or how sinful they are - our speech will naturally overflow with love.
Of course, we need Jesus' help to reach this goal. We pray for our hearts to be filled with a Christ-like compassion for others so that our attitudes and speech are naturally filled with love.
Apply This:
1. Review this memory verse at breakfast and at bedtime daily for the next 7 days
2. Pause and think "love" before speaking to others throughout the day
3. Pray for Jesus' help in growing your compassion for others