We can learn from Joseph who gives us an amazing example of how to live life all about God in our attitudes, speech, and action just prior to becoming the second-most powerful man in the world...

There is one particular example in his saga to highlight today that illustrates a profound mindset that is worth our pursuing - how we can life life all about God instead of self.
Joseph’s early life story is full of betrayal and heartache. His older brothers, out of hate for him due to his favor with their father, literally sold him into slavery to get rid of him.
With a talent that God blessed him with, the ability to interpret dreams, Joseph finds his way in the favor of leaders of the ancient Egyptian world. However, in the midst of a taste of the good life working for a high military official of the land named Potiphar, Joseph is betrayed again. This time, Potiphar’s wife, who is attracted to Joseph, attempts to seduce Joseph (see Genesis 39).
This is where Joseph’s righteousness shines. Instead of falling towards this attractive sin, he refuses her advances. What is his reason? In his own words, “How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” That’s it… That’s the reason! He knows that adultery with the Potiphar’s wife will not glorify God, and that is enough for him to run the other way from this beautiful woman.
Potiphar’s wife turns the tables on Joseph, accusing him of initiating the advances. With the balance of power clearly in the lady’s favor, Joseph is thrown in a dungeon, where he remains for many years.
We should note that Joseph’s time in the dungeon was directly related to his obedience to God and his refusal to satisfy worldly objects.Quite simply, he did the RIGHT thing in God’s eyes and now appears to be punished for that decision. How can this be? In short, Joseph did not know the full story. God did, and the blessings are about to be poured out!
The next twist of fate for Joseph starts when the highest leader in the land, Pharaoh, is having recurring dreams that his own magicians cannot interpret. In the midst of their failure, he gets wind of Joseph’s talent. As such, the Pharaoh calls for Joseph to see him in his palace.
Now let’s pause here and think about this moment, putting ourselves in Joseph’s place. After a past of betrayal and seven recent years sitting in an Egyptian dungeon, we are suddenly whisked away to the palace of the most powerful man in the world. This powerful man is asking us for our help. Would we not feel prideful about our talents? Would we not be trying to leverage them for our own gain (i.e., release me from prison)?
So how does Joseph respond? In Genesis 41:16, we find out. When asked for help by Pharaoh, Joseph responds, “I cannot do it, but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”
What a striking example of being God-oriented in everything! Joseph provides a clear example of how to be God-centered in everything we think, everything we say, and everything we do. At the core of his response we can see a true understanding that all we have, including our talents, are from God. At His discretion, we have them or we do not. In addition, we see a strong illustration of faith that God will take care of the present and future, regardless of the past.
Although his story is told in the very first book of the Bible, Joseph can teach us so much about a rich relationship with God. If you are interested in a Bible study on Joseph, here are several:
If you have found inspiration in Joseph’s story, I’d love to hear about it. please share in the comments below!