How to Pray, Biblical Tools, and Transformative Spiritual Books | OnlinePrayerJournal


Recommended Books

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Book Description

The Marriage Builder  by Dr. Larry Crabb

Save your marriage with foundational, simple truths about your relationship with your spouse... powered by what Jesus did for you. You will understand better how to minister to your spouse, rather than manipulate him or her. And you will learn specific building blocks like grace, commitment, and acceptance to help your marriage thrive.

Marriage on the Rock  by Jimmy Evans

From communication to money to sex, this book clearly deals with the major issues a couple will encounter in marriage. This book discuses practical real-life challenges and offers easy to understand solutions even if you are the only one willing to work on the relationship.

Married But Lonely  by Dr. David Clarke and William Clarke

This book may open your eyes as to how you are unintentionally making your wife feel lonely despite your past and present love for her. With heart-breaking awareness, you can move forward with specific steps to address lonliness in marriage and start healing.

Telling Yourself the Truth  by William Backus & Marie Chapian

This book is truly transformational as it highlights how often we tell ourselves lies that cripple our happiness. In addition, the authors provide a simple and very effective framework for fighting back against these crippling thoughts and reminding yourself of the good truth.

Tired of Trying to Measure Up  by Jeff VanVonderen

This is a great book for to help eliminate the awful habit so many of us have of comparing ourselves to others as well as to some impossible standard of productivity. This book reminds us that Jesus already did the work for us and wants us to live free in His gift. We should certainly work to glorify His name, but out of a joyful, energetic response... not obligation.

Gods at War  by Kyle Idleman

You may know you have idols, but you may not fully understand their grasp on your life. This book from Kyle Idleman is incredibly useful in understanding idols overall, categorizing them, and ultimately, helpin you identify where your biggest idols may reside. Doing so will empower you to start defeating them, replacing them with the proper perspective on priorities in your life.

Love, Sex & Lasting Relationships  by Chip Ingram

So many of us crave intimacy and connection with someone of the opposite sex. After all, we were made in God's image with those desires. But so many marital relationships end in disaster. Chip Ingram lays out an incredibly helpful analysis of why. He compares "Hollywood's" formula for relationships (the one the great majority of us perceive to be the only way) with "God's" formula - one that is much more sustainable. This is a book I highly recommend for young adults who are looking for a different way to do relationships than most of the rest of the world. I wish I'd have known better in my youth and taken Chip's recommended approach.

Battlefield of the Mind  by Joyce Meyers

Joyce Meyers has written an enlightening book about exactly where Satan's battleground is. It can be nothing less than transformational to consider that all your thoughts may not be your own, but rather, Satan may be injecting his influence where he knows it has massive traction - our minds! Being aware of this is the first step in fighting the influence that negative thinking can have about others and ourselves.

Gospel  by J.D. Greear

This book by J.D. Greear is a wonderful book that comprehensively centers one back on the truth and the potential of the gospel in our lives. In the busyness of our day-to-day schedule, it is so easy to forget key tennants of the gospel message. Renewing our minds on these fundamental truths is essential in driving the righteous behavior so many of us crave to achieve in truly transformed lives for Christ.

31 Days of Praise  by Ruth Myers & Warren Myers

For anyone who is looking for more ways to praise and worship God, this is a great book. Ruth and Warren Myers present a nice monthly routine of prayers full of great language of praise and worship to God. In addition, you'll find yourself meditating in gratitude for so much of the blessings we tend to take for granted - our family and friends, our comforts, and even our struggles.

Gist: The Essence of Raising Life-Ready Kids  by Michael Anderson and Timothy Johanson

These experienced family therapists review and examine what the journey to adulthood entails. They give a clear look at those parenting efforst that have proven not to work over the years... and a sobering presentation of what great parenting actually looks like to achieve the goal of developing great adults that love and serve the Lord.

Shepherding a Child's Heart  by Tedd Tripp

For any of us looking to be the best parents we can possibly be, this book by Tedd Tripp is incredibly enlightening. In summary, Tedd helps us see how empowering our parenting can be when we move away from trying to manage 1000's of behaviors towards managing the sources of those behaviors - the heart. When we focus on being aware of and correcting our childrens' hearts instead of behavior after behavior, we simplify our parenting and at the same time become much more effective in raising servants of Christ.

Recommended Small Group Series

Series Description

Why I Believe  by Chip Ingram

Chip's study "Why I Believe" addresses something so many of us struggle with - we want to be able to intellectually defend our faith! There is actually quite a bit of proof to supplement our faith in the historic Christ and events around His time. Chip arms you with some of that knowledge so you can be even more convinced and can feel confident in defending your faith to other intelectuals.

True Spirituality  by Chip Ingram

One of Chip's foundational studies, "True Spirituality" explores the "executive summary" of how to live life as a Christian (i.e., Romans 12). In doing so, Chip highlights exactly what Jesus expects of us when we follow His teachings from a motivated heart, not an obligation.

Experiencing God's Dream for Your Marriage   by Chip Ingram

So many marriages disintegrate because we simply forget or don't understand the purpose and design of marriage from the creator of marriage. This series reminds us of God's design of marriage. When we fall into that design, we find more blessings that we could ever expect. This series along with Chip's series on "Love, Sex, & Lasting Relationships" are enough to transform your marriage into one beyond your wildest dreams.

Top Christian Blogs

Blog Author Description
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Fr. Z's Blog Father John Zuhlsdorf Father John Zuhlsdorf is an American Traditionalist Catholic priest, formerly of the Diocese of Velletri-Segni, and currently of the Diocese of Madison in Madison, Wisconsin.
Storyline Donald Miller Donald Miller is a student of story. He's the author of New York Times Best Sellers: "Blue Like Jazz," "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years," and "Scary Close." He co-wrote the major motion picture "Blue Like Jazz" which debuted at the SXSW Film Festival and was listed as one of the top four movies to get you through freshman year by USA Today.
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Rachel Held Evans Rachel Held Evans Rachel Held Evans is a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Faith Unraveled (2010), A Year of Biblical Womanhood (2012), and Searching for Sunday (2015). Hailing from Dayton, Tennessee—home of the famous Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925— she writes about faith, doubt and life in the Bible Belt.
Sarah Bessey Sarah Bessey Wife. Mum of 4 tinies. Author of "Jesus Feminist" and "out of Sorts." Western Canadian. Blogger and writer. Happy-clappy Jesus-follower. Recovering know-it-all. Social justice wannabe. Bookworm and devotee of British television...
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